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Die Texttäfelchen sind nur bruchstückhaft erhalten, mit Ausnahme der Hymne an die Göttin Nikkal. Sie wurde mehrfach interpretiert und auch vertont. Die Übersetzung der Melodien in moderne Tonsysteme bereitet Schwierigkeiten, da sie 2021-01-05 · Often called the Hurrian Hymn, it had been unearthed amid the ruins of an ancient palace which belonged to the ancient Hurrian civilization. It is the oldest complete song ever found.

Hurrian hymn

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The Hurrian Hymn is History's first Song. Well, the oldest known song. If we're really splitting hairs: the earliest written song that can be reconstructed. Free download:https://sundriedtomatoes.bandcamp.com/track/hurrian-hymn-to-nikkal-no-6 The cuneiform tablet (pictured above) on which this hymn was writ Im Blei-Zustand1 will ich … en (,) zum rechten Fuss (des göttlichen Thrones) (,) ich … -e2; ich will sie (Sündhaftigkeiten) ‘ändern’3. (Wenn die Sündhaftigkeiten) nicht (mehr) ‘verdeckt’4 (sind) und wenn nicht (mehr) ‘geändert’ werden muss, befinde ich mich wohl, fertig geopfert habend. Hurrian Hymn.

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Hurrian Hymn - The Oldest Written Song - For Native American Flute. French archeologists excavated a clay tablet in the early 1950's which is believe to be "sheet music" for this Hurrian Hymn. It is currently the oldest known written music.

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Hurrian hymn

Here is the world's oldest melody known to man. This piece is called the Hurrian Hymn and is dated to 1400 BC found in the city Ugarit, Syria.

Hurrian hymn

Ancient History Papyrusposting. October 17, 2019 · What you're hearing is a part of the oldest known melody - Hurrian hymn number 6, from around 1400 BCE. We know about it due to a group of archeologists who excavated some clay tablets from the Royal Palace at Ugarit (a bronze age city on the coast of Syria) in the 1950's. She's never seen the Fire Lord's son smile.'. While lost in the Foggy Swamp, searching for her brother and her Avatar, Katara is haunted by visions of the Fire Nation's disgraced prince. Visions of peace after … 2016-06-29 Stream songs including "Hurrian Hymn". Album · 2017 · 1 Song. Sign In Listen Now Browse Radio Search Sign In Hurrian Hymn - Single Hope Burn.
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The Hurrian Hymn to Nikkal, also called Hurrian cult hymn or h.6, is considered the oldest song in the world. The song is part of about 36 hymns written in cuneiform on clay tablets uncovered in the ancient city of Ugarit. Tablet h.6 is the most complete in the collection and the song’s lyrics are an ode to Nikkal, a Semitic goddess of orchards. A tablet from Ugarit A tablet found at Ugarit, and dating to the 13th century B.C., contains in the upper portion the text of Hurrian hymn. In the lower portion (highlighted in red) it contains a series of numbers and technical terms that have been interpreted as a score rendering the tune to which the hymn would have been sung.

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It was about the Goddess Nikkal and the  1225 BC) 12. Hurrian Hymns 19 and 23Anon. (c.1225 BC) 13.

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It was preserved for some thirty-four hundred years on a clay tablet, and is written in the Cunieform text of the ancient Hurrian language.

Hurrian Hymn 2 — De Organographia Last.fm


معروف's profile picture. معروف. 's profile  Nov 2, 2020 “The music of the Hurrian Hymn Text H6, therefore, is the oldest known example of a piece of actual written music dating from about 3,400 years  Hurrian Hymn. Here is the oldest musical hymn that was written in cuneiform.